DONALD SCOTT of Los Angeles 23, 175 lbs. Has been training at wts for many years. At Muscle Beach he is known as "Mr Legs" because he has the most beautifully shaped legs seen on a mon in these parts in many years.
Don did not always possess his present) magnificent definition. When AMG photographed him 5 years ago (see AMG catalogs YF13 pgs 19 & 22) he tended to be rather chubby and at the time we felt he would probably continue to get "bulkfer" and ultimately sloppy heavy as do so many of the size-mad bodybuilders. But instead he has "created" one of the finest, best proportioned physiques we have seen in some time.
Photo is by Stanford St George Drawer "F" Station 4 North Hollywood California. They offer a catalog @ $1. 6 35mm color slides $3. print of this photo $1.50
An 8x10
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AMG 1834 West 11th Street, Los Angeles 6, Calif offers 12 beauti-
ful 4x5 dbl-wt
silk prints of DICK HARRISON for $2.50
ABOVE: RICHARD HARRISON of Salt Lake City Utah 21, 6" 185 lbs, waise 32, biceps 16.5 cold thighs 23. Now living in Hollywood, he is decidedly one of the town's handsomest young bachelors. Bodybuilding has always fastinated him, and has been room mates at various times with some of the most brilliant stars in the Bodybuilding galaxy, including Steve Reeves and Keith Stephan shown in the star inserts. If you run into Dick, get him to tell you of the time Keith nearly threw him out of a second story window--its a spell-binding exciting story.
A clean, wholesome boy he neither drinks nor smokes, and has very high moral precepts which he finds must sometimes be severely strained in trying to "make a go of it" in Hollywood, but Richard is very honorable. His father, a lawyer, caused Dick to begin law studies at the University of Utah, but Dick felt much happier on the stage. You may have seen him in a bit role in "West Point" on television, also in "Green Grow the Lillacs". Recently he lost a great deal of weight because the studios told him to do so, but in Richard's case, the weight really looked good, and we feel that the pictures he has taken recently since the weight loss are not nearly so pleasing as the earlier ones.
AMG offers more photographs of Dick than any other photographer. In 19 catalogs (10c each) over 300 studies are illustrated. Dick has picked out 12 of his favorites and these are available in a special album set, XB, which costs only $2.50 for 12 4x5 photos beautifully printed on Eastman Athena double-weight silk paper. The stereo color set on Dick is one of the most beautiful we have ever offered, costs only $3.50 for 6 Stereo-realist size slides. Dick has a beautiful warm skin tone, smooth like velvet, and in color his smile would melt steel. AMG also shot some movie footage of Dick, but no special plot and we hesitate to offer it. The scenes include driving up in a car, and getting out (dressed in levis), walking up studio stairs, lifting a few weights (in posing strap), wandering about at the beach, posing, drying himself, etc. If enough movie enthusiasts express interest, this film will be made available, even though we do not feel it has enough continuity and plot to justify actually calling it a movie. But since some folks seem to like such random, natural, completely unrehearsed action